IPL Photorejuvenation In Calgary

Renew Your Skin By Removing Your Sun Damage and Age Spots

Clear, younger looking skin is just a few treatments away with an IPL PhotoRejuvenation treatment, also known as the Limelight Facial. This new, non-invasive approach reduces the appearance of sun-damaged skin and is effective in reducing or eliminating age spots.

What does it treat?

In addition to sun damage and age spots, the Limelight Facial commonly treats:

  • Sun damage and age spots on:

    • Face

    • Chest

    • Shoulders

    • Arm

    • Hands

  • Freckles

  • Photo damage

  • Diffuse redness

  • Tiny veins

  • Hyperpigmentation and brown spots

  • Appearance of rosacea (but will not remove it entirely)

It is important to note that the Limelight Facial will not remove birthmarks and moles.

What are the benefits?

  • Safe & comfortable procedure

  • Non-invasive

  • No gel, pain medication or anesthetic cream required (utilizes pulsed light)

  • Quick treatment time (less than 1 hour)

  • Minimal treatments required (1-3) Works on most skin types as it can be customized to different skin tones and aging conditions, and

  • Works well in combination with Laser Vein Removal

What can I expect during treatment?

During the treatment, you'll wear special eyewear that protects your eyes from the light beam of the laser. The treatment area will be prepared for the laser by spreading an anesthetic cream over the face or area to be treated.

During the treatment, the laser light is guided over the treatment areas with a small handset. As the handset is moved over your skin, the laser sends a pulsed beam of light through your skin. A treatment usually takes up to 30 minutes.

Does it hurt?

Some patients may feel a slight discomfort with each laser pulse, described as feeling like the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. This mild discomfort resolves in a few seconds.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

Results vary from one person to another, but several treatments may be necessary to fully remove skin blemishes or spider veins.

What can I expect after treatment?

You can use a cool compress or gel pack if the treated area has any redness or swelling. Any discomfort should resolve within a few hours.

Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary

Individual results may vary

Take the first step to enhancing your looks today.

Call us at 403.984.4313 or BOOK ONLINE

Complimentary Consultation

To schedule a complimentary skin analysis appointment, please book online with link above, call us at: 403.984.4313 or fill out the form below.

Age Spot Treatment In Calgary