You have the most amazing eyes…

Been awhile since you’ve heard that? Some of us are born with gorgeous full lashes to adorn our eyes, while others were less blessed. And as time marches on, our eyelashes may thin out, leaving a less than desirable effect. A beautifully made-up face or youthful complexion can have less of an impact with eyes that appear smaller because of short or sparse lashes. Well, help is here in the form of LATISSE. The only FDA- -approved prescription for inadequate or short eyelashes, LATISSE helps grow longer, fuller AND darker eyelashes.

How does LATISSE work?

Available by prescription only, LATISSE treats:

  • Hypotrichosis (not enough eyelashes), and
  • Short, minimal or inadequate eyelashes.

LATISSE is applied once a day topically to the base of the upper eyelashes, stimulating lash growth AND increasing the number of eyelashes that grow.

What can I expect?

  • Eyelashes actually grow—dramatically longer, fuller, darker lashes
  • Mascara can still be worn (but you may not need it)
  • Results within 4-16 weeks


As long as use of LATISSE is continued, your eyelashes will stay full. Once you discontinue use, they will return to their original state within several weeks. Should you miss a few applications, just return to your regular application schedule—there should be no noticeable change.

Allergan, the manufacturer of BOTOX and Juvederm, among other cosmetic skin care treatments, and a pharmaceutical leader with expertise in eye care products, is the developer of LATISSE.


LATISSE should only be applied to the upper lashes, not the lower lashes. Some people may experience darker skin on their eyelids. Care needs to be taken when applying the product, as hair will grow wherever the product touches the skin.

Can anyone use LATISSE?

LATISSE is not for everyone. People who are not candidates for LATISSE use include those:

  • Allergic to one of its ingredients,
  • With a previous diagnosis of eye pressure problems,
  • Currently on medication for eye pressure problems, and
  • With risk factors for glaucoma, including a family history of glaucoma.